No sleep, just writing

The lack of sleep has stunted my brain. 
I cannot pay attention to one thing for very long. 
Thoughts go in and out of my head, like the trains in the subway go through their stops.
It’s even hard for me to write right now.
I have so many ideas and its hard to figure out which ones to put down. 
Sleep is needed.. 

But everytime i close my eyes i see something i dont want to see.. 

That thing, that event, those words that hunt me down every fuckin day, i mean what its the point of being a writer when you cant go to sleep and scape into your own private Neverland, why i havent being hable to just, de-atach from this world that kills me and just go to my own world...

It will be so easy to scape, my very good friend tequila is waiting, but i dont want to do it anymore, there is no scape from that particular hole for me. I have so many thing inside my mind at this moment, its like all the shit that i have day to day are now jam inside with another 100 shits that happen to me this week, and for god sake is just the first week of the year, imagine how im gonna be like in march :S or april.

I have two new stories cooking for this year, there is actually 3, but the third one is kind of a personal thing so i hope to finish the two first ones and then the other one, i always include things that happen to me or arround me and this stories wont be any different, there are so many of my deep and dark feelings in my writing that sometimes its scary to think that somebody is gonna read that.

I cant sleep yet, the ideas are pushing out and i have to write everything out, or i will be mad i know it, so im gonna end this here and just keep on writing, maybe until the next day comes...

Perdon por el ingles, mañana pondre algo en español lo prometo, pero hoy necesitaba hacerlo de esta forma, saludos y hasta pronto a quien quiera que pase por aca

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