Yo quisiera

Yo quisiera
que en este instante dentro de mi estuvieras
para que comprendieras
el cariño inmenso
que siento por ti.

Pero mas quisiera
tenerte en mis brazos
como ayer te tuve
fundir tu alma
con el alma mia
y despues morir.

Porque sin tu presencia
que es luz de mi existencia
yo muero poco a poco
desde que tu te fuiste.

"Yo quisiera embriagarme con tu vida echa poema, 
yo qusiera ser el alma de tu alma, yo quisiera 
tanto, tanto ser tu dueño vida mia"

Pero mas quisiera
tenerte en mis brazos
como ayer te tuve
fundir tu alma
con el alma mia
y despues morir.

Porque sin tu presencia
que es luz de mi existencia
yo muero poco a poco
desde que tu te fuiste.
She’s a human traffic accident, and everybody’s slowing down to look at the wreckage. She’s doing the best she can with what she has left, and I know you can’t see this ‘cause you’re in it, but YOU CAN’T HELP HER NOW! You’ll only make it worse. Walk away. Leave her to mend

Were all looking for answers in work, in life, in everything. Sometimes the answers we’re looking for have been hiding just below the surface. Other times we find answers when we didn’t even realize we were asking the question. Sometimes the answers can catch us completely by surprise. And sometimes, even when we find the answer we’ve been looking for, we’re still left with a whole hell of a lot of questions.

Gracias Patroncita


No tengo palabras para describir lo que siento ahora, se a ido lo mas hermoso que yo tenia en la vida, mi corazón esta comprimido, apachurrado no encuentra felicidad, porque ella era mi felicidad, era ella quien me hizo, quien formo lo que yo soy, como soy y porque soy así; todo eso por ella, mi madre, mi patroncita, la mujer que mas admiro en todo el mundo… gracias patroncita por darme todo


Cariño que Dios me ha dado para quererlo,
cariño que a mi me quiere sin interes,
el cielo me dió un cariño sin merecerlo,
mirando ¡ay! esos ojitos sabran quien es,
con ella no existe pena que desespere
cariño que a mi me quiere con dulce amor
para ella no existe pena que no consuele
mirandole sus carita yo miro a Dios

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Living is better than dying until it’s not. But even if letting a person die is the right thing to do, it’s not what family members are expecting. We are arrogant and think that something like this never happen to us. We don’t likethe feeling and death feels like a loss even when we know it’s not. We know it’s time. We know it’s right. We know we did everything we could. It is hard to shake that feeling that you could’ve done more.”

Pain, you just have to ride it out, hope it goes away on its own, hope the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions, no easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed, but sometimes the pain gets you when you least expect it, hits way below the belt and doesn’t let up. Pain, you just have to fight through, because the truth is you can’t outrun it, and life always makes more.


The dictionary defines grief as keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret. As we grow up, we’re taught to learn from and rely on books, on definitions, on definitives. But in life, strict definitions rarely apply. In life, grief can look like a lot of things that bear little resemblance to sharp sorrow.”
Grief may be a thing we all have in common, but it looks different on everyone.
It isn’t just death we have to grieve. It’s life. It’s loss. It’s change.
And when we wonder why it has to suck so much sometimes, has to hurt so bad. The thing we gotta try to remember is that it can turn on a dime.
That’s how you stay alive. When it hurts so much you can’t breathe, that’s how you survive.
By remembering that one day, somehow, impossibly, you won’t feel this way. It won’t hurt this much.
Grief comes in its own time for everyone, in its own way.
So the best we can do, the best anyone can do, is try for honesty.
The really crappy thing, the very worst part of grief is that you can’t control it.
The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes.
And let it go when we can.
The very worst part is that the minute you think you’re past it, it starts all over again.
And always, every time, it takes your breath away.
There are five stages of grief. They look different on all of us, but there are always five.

Adios al visionario fundador de APPLE y PIXAR

Hoy un genio dejo este mundo, un tipo que parecia de lo mas simple, pero que revoluciono la forma en que miramos, jugamos, interactuamos e incluso compartimos con los demas, ese tipo era el señor STEVE JOBS.

Se que en todo el mundo le rinden tributo ahora, pero me tomo unos momentos para decirle solamente gracias.

GRACIAS por mostrarnos que el mundo esta ahi afuera esperando que lo tomemos, gracias porque revolucionaste las vidas de millones de personas y lo seguiras haciendo aunque ya no estes



Vivir sin aire

al final me di cuenta de lo mucho que te quiero
tengo tanto en que pensar, tanto que hice mal
pero lo unico que siento es que te extraño dia a dia.
Y ya no puedo seguir un minuto mas
me duele vivir sin ti, eres como aire para mi
y a cada paso que doy sigo dandome cuenta
de lo mucho que te quiero
y te necesito a mi lado para respirar
para vivir, para ser feliz